Support & Downloads

Note: There is no charge to download software and files. These files and programs have been scanned and found to be free of any virus.

  • PC Display - PC-Display Application only installation (latest version) (Download)
  • ECG Interpreter - This will install the full version of ECG Interpreter. (latest version) (Download)
  • ECG Reviewer - Clinical consultants can receive and interpret ECG files sent by email from users of the PC-Vet or VetGard monitors (latest version) (Download)
  • VetTab Android App - Install the VetTab Android app to your Android tablet. Soon this app will be available from the Google Play store, but for now follow this link for instructions to install it manually.
  • Vet HDO MDS - MDS Analysis software for the Vet HDO blood pressure unit. (latest version) (Download)

Additional Support Information

DVM Solutions wants to help you get the best use out of your veterinary equipment. We have compiled several resources to help you get the assistance you need.

ECG Interpretation




HDO Blood Pressure